Monday, December 3, 2012

` Common Review `

Aeroplane Bungalow (Mona Fendy’s house), Behind Leisure Point, Cheras

   For those who don’t know, Mona Fandey was a popular bomoh back in the 90′s, and reportedly used black arts to help many politicians achieve power. She was executed in 2001 for murdering politician Mazlan Idris in 1993 while conducting a ceremony to invest him with power. It’s reported that Mona, along with her husband, had Mazlan lie down while they conducted a ceremony, before dismembering and partially skinning Mazlan. At her execution, she claimed “I will never die,” and her house is supposedly haunted due to the black arts she practices there.

Villa Nabila, Johor Bahru

      Situated on a hillside facing Johor’s popular Danga Bay, Villa Nabila is prime property, which may lend credence to the stories that it’s haunted, as a prime property house like that isn’t commonly abandoned. Apparently the family home to a rich family, the house was robbed and the occupants killed, leading to it’s current haunting at the hands of the restless souls within. Some intrepid ghost hunters have reportedly gotten ‘lost’ in the villa, only to escape at dawn, and no sooner.

Lady Templer Hospital, Cheras

      Apparently haunted by a ghost of an old lady, the Cheras Policlinic (as it’s also known) may be inhospitable for the intrepid ghost hunter- some eyewitness accounts place the ghost as unwelcoming to ‘cari pasal’ ghosthunters. 

Karak Highway

     The Karak Highway is home to numerous freak accidents and paranormal activity, with drivers reporting the invisible presence of ‘another person’ with them, whether it be a car or motorcycle. Beyond that, there’s an urban legend of a yellow Volkswagen that may chase you on the highway- carrying a ghostly passenger. 

St. Michael’s Institution, Ipoh

       A school built in 1912 by Catholic missionaries, St. Michael’s Institution was used as a base for the Japanese in WWII, and was also reported a torture chamber. Till this day, it’s said a monk can be seen praying in the fourth floor chapel, headless. Yeah, seriously.

Kellies Castle, Perak

      While there’s never been a sighting at Kellies Castle, there are reports of doors opening and closing on their own, as well as piercing screams in the middle of the night. Creepy enough! 

Abandoned Bungalows, Bangsar

       This location couldn’t be pinpointed by the source over at a local online forum, but reportedly has djinn, pontianak, and other spirits haunting these Bungalows. There’s a slew of the other stories around the abandoned bungalows, notably a story about a guard going crazy and murdering some children.

Highland Towers,Ampang

          The famous Highland Towers. In 1993, a whole block collapsed, leading to 48 deaths and from then on, multiple reports of haunting and things that go bump in the night. Now, especially since that the apartment isn’t exactly in the best shape and is surrounded by overgrown jungle, Highland Towers might just give you one heck of a shock the next time you’re there.

*Among the famous haunted stories that prove the Pudu jail as a haunted jail in 
“Once, a police officer was interviewing prisoners and it was getting late. However, he said that he could interview one more, and I went down to bring another one.

“As he was filling in some forms he saw a figure sitting down. Thinking it was another prisoner he looked up, only to see a headless woman with blood flowing down her chest. The officer ran down the stairs as fast as he could,” he says. 

"Haji Aziz Haji Idris tells of an encounter while on duty at one of the guard towers when he was still a young officer.
“It was shortly after midnight and I was on night duty with another person when I saw an officer approaching. As we had been trained, I banged my rifle on the floor and shouted out ‘Everything all right, sir!”

Aziz says the figure said nothing but raised his hand, and then suddenly disappeared." “Anyone who slept there would be sure to feel an unseen force pressing down on his chest. They may try to shout or move but will be helpless to do anything,” he says, adding that some would rather sleep on the floor than use the bunk."

Abu Bakar also recalls a weird phenomenon – a ball of fire the size of a football that suddenly appeared and rolled out of sight.
“It happened every once in a while, and in cycles. Everyone would be talking about it for a while,” he says.''But the scariest tale is that of a recurring apparition of a woman. Aziz believes it was the ghost of a woman who was hanged there.
“She had tried to kill herself previously by slitting her throat. She survived but before she was fully recovered, the execution order came,” he says.
“She was brought to the execution chamber and hanged – but because of the injury, her head was literally torn off. It was a gruesome death and that is the ghost that many people have seen.”“I was on duty at Block D, where death row is located, and directly above the execution chamber is a huge anchor stone.
“Out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure sitting on this stone. Malays believe ghosts’ feet do not touch the ground, and when I bent over to look, the figure disappeared,” he says. "There are rumours that Pudu Prison is haunted. There have been reports of a strange Indian man walking the halls of the prison and disappearing around the corner. Screams have been heard from rooms where hangings have taken place, and there are certain areas of the prison that are far colder than others. Russell Lee, the author of the book series True Singapore Ghost Stories included a story of a prisoner in Pudu Prison in one of his books. The prisoner reported hearing screaming from the rotan caning area, and he also heard the story that one prisoner committed suicide in order to avoid being caned.

         Supposedly his ghost stops the last stroke of the cane being given, and the prisoner personally reported this experience happening to him. According to several websites, the reason that Pudu Prison is being turned back into a prison for low-security prisoners is because no-one would buy it as for commercial property because of the hauntings. 

" Hantu Polong "

     Hantu Polong merujuk kepada semangat atau makhluk halus belaan yang dipelihara oleh  seseorang, biasanya lelaki, bertujuan untuk tujuan memudaratkan musuh. Hantu polong dipercayai diberi makan darah dari jari tuannya.

     Menurut kepercayaan orang Melayu, polong dihasilkan dengan meletak darah orang yang mati dibunuh kedalam botol bermulut panjang. Botol tersebut kemudiannya akan dipuja dan jampi serapah akan dibacakan dalam tempoh masa tertentu. Selepas tujuh hingga dua minggu akan kedengaran bunyi mengerit daripada dalam botol. Pemuja polong perlu menghiris sedikit jarinya dan memasukkan jarinya yang berdarah itu ke dalam botol untuk memberi polong makan. Dengan memberi makan, polong ini akan terikat kepada tuannya dan akan melakukan apa sahaja suruhan tuannya.

     Polong biasanya akan disimpan di dalam botol dan hanya dikeluarkan apabila hendak memusnahkan musuh. Mangsa polong biasanya boleh dikenali dengan kesan lebam pada mayat dan darah keluar melalui mulut.
Hantu polong dikatakan akan dipelihara oleh lelaki untuk menyakiti musuh. Selain itu hantu polong juga digunakan bagi mendapatkan wang. 

     Polong akan menyerang seseorang mangsa dan hanya keluar apabila tuannya datang membantu menghalaunya keluar, dengan itu mendapat bayaran kerana membantu mengubati mangsa. Hantu polong adalah sejenis makhluk halus yang dipelihara oleh manusia. Ia perlu diberi makanan menurut tempoh tertentu, biasanya dengan darah tuannya. Dengan itu hantu polong tersebut perlu diwariskan kepada seseorang penganti sebelum tuannya mati sebagai saka

" Bunian, Kerajaan & Keluarga Bunian "

orang Bunian ialah sebarang makhluk halus dari golongan jin dalam legenda Melayu, mirip dengan  elf dalam legenda Eropah.Mereka dikatakan wujud dalam masyarakat besar, menyerupai struktur sosial manusia, mempunyai keluarga, puak, dan struktur masyarakat. Orang Bunian dikatakan mendiami kawasan hutan belantara, jauh dari perhubungan manusia, tetapi ada juga yang tinggal berdekatan dengan manusia malah berkongsi rumah dengan keluarga manusia. Sesetengah masalah kerasukan dikatakan berpunca dari orang bunian.Orang bunian mempunyai kuasa luar biasa yang hebat, dan juga diketahui berkawan dan menolong manusia, terutamanya pawang atau bomoh.

orang bunian dikatakan menculik kanak-kanak, dan bayi didalam perut wanita dan ada dituduh menyebabkan manusia sesat di dalam hutan.Semenjak orang bunian mirip dengan manusia (kecuali berasaskan fakta mereka biasanya ghaib atau halimunan) tidaklah dihiraukan untuk mereka berkahwin dengan manusia. Malah ada pendapat yang mengusulkan bahawa bunian ini adalah hasil gabungan hubungan manusia dan jin. Sekali seorang manusia telah pergi untuk tinggal dengan orang bunian, dia tidak boleh balik ke alam biasa, sebagaimana orang bunian hidup lebih lama daripada manusia. 
terdapat cerita mengenai seorang lelaki yang mengahwini orang bunian, tetapi ingin mengembali ke keluarga mereka yang telah ditinggalkan, memutuskan untuk meninggalkan orang bunian. Waktu pulang mereka ke golongan manusia, mereka mendapati bahawa setiap orang yang mereka kenal telah meninggal dunia, dan beberapa tahun sudah berlalu. Cerita ini pernah disebutkan dalam cerita dongeng Amerika iaityu Rip Van Winkle. Perkara tersebut menyerupai teori kerelatifan masa.Orang Bunian Sungai TekaliPada Julai 1998, satu tapak perkhemahan baru telah dibina di Kampung Sungai Tekali, daerah Hulu Langat, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Tapak perkhemahan ini adalah milik Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Selangor . Perkhemahan yang pertama kali itu ialah Perkhemahan Unit Beruniform Peringkat Negeri Selangor.

segelintir penduduk kampung percaya dan melihat 3 orang (?) bunian mandi dalam anak sungai di tapak itu. Seperti biasa majlis bacaan Yassin diadakan pada hari pertama perkhemahan. Pada malam 'Night Walk' yang dikendalikan oleh Askar Briged Tengah, dua orang peserta telah 'hilang' dan seperti kerasukan selama beberapa bulan. Kejadian ini dikaitkan dengan orang bunian. Kini tapak perkhemahan itu telah 'bersih' dan tidak lagi kedengaran cerita-cerita seumpama itu.

A telemovie drama series in TV3

Hantu Penanggal

       Hantu penanggal ni juga di kenali sebagai hantu hantu tengelong di negeri Kedah atau Balan-balan di Sabah. Hantu ni berasal dari seorang wanita yang mengamalkan ilmu hitam. Mereka yang di katakan menuntut ilmu ni mampu memisahkan kepada dari badan dan kepala mereka mampu terbang di samping tali perut yang terburai. Darah yang menitik & kalau terkena pada sesiapa di katakan berbisa dan mampu menyebabkan kudis.

       Mereka yang mengamalkan ilmu ni juga di percayai menyimpan cuka bagi tujuan memeram urat perut agar kecut sebelum di cantumkan kembali ke badan. Di cerita juga bahawa sekiranya ada orang yang terserempak dengan tubuh hantu ni kemudian di terbalikkan, hantu ini akan bercantum secara terbalik juga dengan kepalanya. Dengan itu rahsia hantu ni akan terbongkar.

Hantu ni juga di percayai suka menghisap darah wanita yang baru lepas bersalin & sekiranya darah wanita lepas bersalin ni di hisap,wanita tersebut akan mati akibat tumpah darah. Sebab tu orang dulu mengamalkan letak daun2 berduri di sekekeling rumah sebab mereka percaya hantu penanggal ni takut pada daun2 berduri kerana risau tali perutnya tersangkut pada duri2 daun tersebut.

       Hantu Penanggalan dikatakan dituntut oleh seseorang wanita bagi membantunya mengekalkan kecantikannya, membunuh musuhnya, menjaga tanaman / peliharaan daripada pencuri dan lain-lain. Kini, penanggal bukan sahaja dituntut ole wanita malahan lelaki juga tidak kurang hebatnya.Daerah Kota Belud amat terkenal dengan balan-balan. Sebenarnya penanggal adalah sejenis penyakit keturunan, bagi pengamal-pengamal ilmu ini mereka akan menjangkitkan keturunan mereka melalui makanan. Itu kini ilmu ini disebut sebagai penyakit bagi zaman kini.

       Hantu penanggal adalah seseorang yang menuntut ilmu hitam. Dengan itu ilmu tersebut perlu diwariskan kepada seseorang penganti sebelum tuannya mati sebagai saka. Sekiranya tuannya mati sebelum sempat mencari pengganti, hantu penanggal akan hidup liar dan mengganggu penduduk berdekatan. .Penanggal juga biasanya diwarisi dari ibu kepada anak secara turun-temurun.

       Tapi zaman sekarang ni ada ke lagi orang percaya akan kewujudan hantu ni? Memang masih ada yang mengamalkan ilmu hitam tapi kes - kes wanita bersalin kena hisap darah dengan hantu penanggal belum lagi la kita pernah dengar kan?? Kalau betul ada, hantu penanggal ni tak payah merayap jauh2.. Cuma tunggu kat wad bersalin jer. Banyak hidangannya di sana.

Oil Man (A.K.A) Orang Minyak

Around Christmas, something unusual was seen in Malaysia, and it wasn't Santa Claus. Residents of the Kampung district of Melaka were alarmed over reports of the orang minyak (Malay for "oily man"), a bizarre monster said to abduct young women by night throughout Malaysia. The creature has been occasionally sighted for decades, but never captured.
According to a report in Malaysiannewspaper The Star, there were multiple sightings over the Christmas holidays. One eyewitness saw it "crawling up the stairs of the house, just like Spider-man. When it reached the top it suddenly jumped onto the roof. I don't think a human could do that. It then just disappeared... We can laugh and joke about it, but this is serious. All the families here have young girls."

The orang minyak is a funny character. Some folks believe it is a supernatural creature; others say it's a human warlock who coats himself with grease as black as his soul. The shiny black grease not only looks scary and disgusting but is said to help him escape capture; no one can grab him so he slips through pursuers' fingers. (Of course if a person actually covered himself that way, greasy hands and feet would make it difficult to turn doorknobs or run around, not to mention crawl up the sides of buildings or grab a struggling captive.)

No matter if the orang minyak is implausible, it's feared in many places throughout Malaysia. Villagers don't trust police to protect them and have instead taken to the streets on citizen patrol, armed with machetes, to seek out the monster. The orang minyak is only one of many similar mythical beasts in the region. There's also the orang ekor (the "tailed man," a race of men and women who have tails); the orang gadang (the "big man," a 10-foot-tall beast with long hair), and the orang bati (the "flying man," a creature that stands about five feet tall, has black, leathery wings, and allegedly makes its home in dormant volcanoes).

While these creatures are rooted in myth and folklore, some people argue that the orang minyak is not a creature of folklore but instead a real, but unverified, monster akin to Bigfoot. According to Michael Newton in his "Encyclopedia of Cryptozology: A Global Guide" (McFarland and Co., 2005) the orang minyak "is an aggressive unknown hominid or primate reported from peninsular Malaysia. Natives of the region claim that this large, hairy biped attacks rural villages by night and carries off young women." It's not clear what he (or she — they can't all be males if there's a thriving population of them) does with these young women, but it's probably not pleasant.

By far the best known of all these is the orang pendek, or "short man," that has been reported in the forests of Sumatra. This pot-bellied creature is said to stand between two and five feet tall and range in color from yellow to dark black. Some believe that the hard evidence for the orang pendek is far better than for Bigfoot or the orang minyak, though that's not saying much.